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FATdrop Browser Support Policy

We are committed to making FATdrop as accessible and consistent as we can. However, it is not practical for us to support every available operating system and web browser combination. Therefore we have adopted a policy to support the current and previous major releases of Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer.

Please note that this does not mean FATdrop will only work on all of the latest browsers - we expect it to work in all modern browsers and do make an effort to provide graceful degradation and progressive enhancements. It simply means that current and previous major browsers are what we focus our development and QA efforts on, so those are what we recommend for the optimal user experience.

To check whether you are using a current or previous version of a major browser, please visit ​ What Browser.

We hope you agree with this policy and please feel free to contact us if you need any more info on the FATdrop service.

What about Promos?

This page outlines browser support in the client control panel of FATdrop. We haven't stopped support for older browsers accessing your promos. We will continue to expand the range of supported devices as much as possible.